Sometimes Etsy can feel like a very lonely place. Even though we know there are actually shitloads of people there, we can find ourselves left adrift wondering why no one cares about us. This is the double-edged sword of the bloated Etsy marketplace: so many people and also way too many people.

So don't blame Etsy. Even though it's very, very tempting. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is an online business. It takes vision, yes, and also careful planning, dutiful execution, and gobs of follow through. Etsy will NEVER build your business for you. You have to take every step all by yourself. But if you know what you want to build and why you want to build it, then having a tool like Etsy in your hand could be a very powerful help to you. Wield it as you would a hammer, and cobble together whatever your dream business looks like to you. Just don't forget the part where you have a plan and work hard. And you know, if it means as much to you as I think it does, it will not only all be worth it in the end, but each step of the process will be a source of true joy.

At least, that's what I keep telling myself.
Our Fortress of Solitude
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